Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can I Lose 10 lbs in 22 days? Stay tuned to find out....

Ok so the long-awaited Utah/Vegas trip is right around the corner. I had ALL summer to start eating right, lose weight (ideally 15 lbs), & exercise. Did I? NO. I drank, I ate, and I explored (but not with too much intensity). In recent weeks I did get in a few bike rides and some good hikes but nothing too crazy. But now we are down to the wire. I'm still about 15 lbs overweight (I don't have a scale, I can just feel what weight I am. Spent several years in college having to be a certain weight for the rowing team so you get to know your body's weight pretty well at any given time). Anyway, I don't fit into my bikini, or any of my shorts or jeans, and my shirts are all a little tight around the edges to say the least.

So it's do or die time- either start eating really really differently & exercising... or end up poolside in Vegas in a too-tight bikini with a muffin top all around the middle. That being said, I think I'm up for the challenge.

Here's the steps I plan to take:
1. Run at least 3 miles, 3 x's a week (did one 3 mile run yesterday)
2. The only thing I am allowed to drink is WATER (or club soda), nothing else. (success for 2 days- oh besides coffee)
3. No carbs, No sugar (ok so I had a handful of delicious blue corn tortilla chips last night, but you get the point).

I think that should all do the trick.... but can I muster up the discipline to follow thru? I've done crazier things....we'll see...


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thank you Frank Turner

"Cuz love is free and life is cheap and as long as I've got me a place to sleep, some clothes on my back and some food to eat, then I can't ask for anything more..." - Frank Turner

This is a song lyric that often helps me remember to just chill out, relax, and stop stressing about life. Recently my job has been crazy- some things have gone wrong, little mistakes were made by myself and by others working for me and I've been pretty stressed to say the least. But ya know what? In the grand scheme of things my job has very little to do with me. It could stay or it could leave, and I'd still be me. I'd still have the same family and friends who love me dearly and I'd still be pretty damn blessed. So if I mess up, or things don't go how I planned, whether with my job, or my boyfriend, or my finances, or my day... It will all be OK.

Because as long as I have a place to sleep, some clothes on my back and some food to eat, then I can't ask for anything more.


If Ever I Stray

Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekly Goals.... FAIL

So 2 wks ago I put a set of weekly goals in place in hopes it would spark some motivation in my life. However I only completed 1 out of 3 of them that first week. I did clean out the box of sh*t next to my dresser so that was a success. I didn't make it to the library or go on any hikes though (whyamIsolazy?). We did try to go on a 2.5 hr hike one day but as we started up the trail, a bang of thunder and a strike of lightening right over our heads had us running back to the car instantly.

However that week I had also decided to write down 3 things a day that I was grateful for- to stave off negative thoughts that so eagerly enter my mind all the time. Doing this was very helpful mentally. The first 2 days I'd do it right away in the morning but then as the week got busier I'd forget about it until later in the day. It helped though because as I was drowning in a very aggravating and busy week at work, it was when my stress was highest that I'd remember to think of 3 things I'm thankful for, thus calming me down, clearing my head and bringing me back to the reality that everything is ok.. 

Even just writing down 3 goals I think was motivating, even though I only did one of them. The next week I didn't write down any goals but felt more motivated than I ever have been. This past week, I went on three 2-hour hikes (of varying difficulties & all to places I hadn't hiked yet). I also went on a 2 hour mountain bike ride on the Lower Loop trail, and finally after years of wanting to try rock-climbing, I finally did on Sunday! It was absolutely terrifying, and very difficult, but fear tends to be my motivation. So hopefully the patient,  kind friends who took me climbing with them this weekend will be willing to let me tag along with them again!

Had to take a pic at the end of my awesome bike ride

Corey climbing up top, Chad belaying
Our Tuesday Evening