Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can I Lose 10 lbs in 22 days? Stay tuned to find out....

Ok so the long-awaited Utah/Vegas trip is right around the corner. I had ALL summer to start eating right, lose weight (ideally 15 lbs), & exercise. Did I? NO. I drank, I ate, and I explored (but not with too much intensity). In recent weeks I did get in a few bike rides and some good hikes but nothing too crazy. But now we are down to the wire. I'm still about 15 lbs overweight (I don't have a scale, I can just feel what weight I am. Spent several years in college having to be a certain weight for the rowing team so you get to know your body's weight pretty well at any given time). Anyway, I don't fit into my bikini, or any of my shorts or jeans, and my shirts are all a little tight around the edges to say the least.

So it's do or die time- either start eating really really differently & exercising... or end up poolside in Vegas in a too-tight bikini with a muffin top all around the middle. That being said, I think I'm up for the challenge.

Here's the steps I plan to take:
1. Run at least 3 miles, 3 x's a week (did one 3 mile run yesterday)
2. The only thing I am allowed to drink is WATER (or club soda), nothing else. (success for 2 days- oh besides coffee)
3. No carbs, No sugar (ok so I had a handful of delicious blue corn tortilla chips last night, but you get the point).

I think that should all do the trick.... but can I muster up the discipline to follow thru? I've done crazier things....we'll see...


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